Fun & Flirty

Thu, Sep 26, 2024
Thu, Oct 31, 2024
Wed, Nov 20, 2024
Wed, Dec 18, 2024
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
Thu, Feb 27, 2025
Thu, Mar 27, 2025
Thu, Apr 24, 2025
Thu, May 29, 2025
Thu, Jun 26, 2025
Thu, Jul 31, 2025
Thu, Aug 28, 2025
Thu, Sep 25, 2025

Fun & Flirty

Seattle was missing an experience that combined comedy and dating (which in this city is almost synonymous) thus fun & flirty was born. Zahnae Aquino hosts a cast of hot, sexy singles that are pitched to the audience by comedians and also live speed dates consisting of audience members. This show sells out every time, and serves as a night of entertainment for everyone (the single, married, dating, divorced, widowed, etc.)!